Welcome to the Mission 58 Website, this page will tell you a little about us, who we are, and why we seek to partner with your local church!
Mission 58 Camps was created under the ministry of Church Under the Tree, Ron Evans, founder of the ministry, had a passion to teach the church what it means to be the church outside the four walls. Mission 58 had their first camp in 2013 at Dallas Baptist University. Keith Nash and Doug Morris partnered with Church under the Tree in 2014, to become Executive Directors of Mission 58 Camps and Conferences. Both of these guys served on staff, 40 plus years in the local church body. Thousands of students and adults have had life changing experiences through the years of Mission 58 Camps !
One of our core convictions at Mission 58 is that youth camp and conferences should not be an "event" that begins on a Monday and ends on a Friday or even a weekend, but should actually be a launching pad for 12 months of ministry in your Jerusalem.
We are a youth camp and conferences designed to train, expose, equip, and send your students back to their hometown on mission for Him! While at camp your students will have opportunities to serve a particular community daily through Backyard Bible Clubs, apartment ministries, food pantries, etc. Each student will have the privilege of seeing God work through him or her that week of camp or at a conference. We are convinced that most teenagers want to serve their community but don't know where to start. Mission 58 will expose every student to practical hands on opportunities that can easily be applied in every town.
The following are the core beliefs of Mission 58 Camps and Conferences based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
There is one eternally existing God who has three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and praise. God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. He is unchangeable and therefore is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Jesus Christ is God the son, the promised Messiah, conceived in the flesh by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, true God and true man, without sin, and the only mediator between God and man.
The Fall
When Adam and Eve chose not to obey God, they ceased to be what they were made to be. This caused them to fall out of fellowship with God, and fractured all of creation ever since that time.
Jesus Christ came to reconcile us with God. He lived a life without sin and willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for our transgressions. God raised him from the dead and now, by grace, offers as a free gift eternal life to all who follow Christ, by faith, as their Lord and Savior. That is why salvation can be found in Christ alone.
The Church
The Church is meant to be the visible body of Christ, sent into the world to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Bible
The sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments are the verbally inspired Word of God. They are without error and they are the complete and final revelation of God.
Danny Ramirez - Camp Pastor & Beau Perkins - Worship